In the first two weeks of Blue 2.0, you created a blog. Want to make it easier to keep up with the blogs of your colleagues and friends? This week you will learn how to use a feed reader to subscribe to RSS feeds from websites and other blogs.
You will also learn about different uses of wikis and will create one.
Activity 1: Explore a feed reader
Even if you don’t become a regular blogger, you can still enjoy the benefits of RSS! A feed reader will allow you to quickly and easily keep up with numerous websites—whether the Blogger blogs of your fellow staffers participating in this program or RSS feeds from various websites (see the list of examples below to get an idea). Still not convinced? You can easily track packages, set up custom searches, and even have email sent to an RSS feed if you wish.
What is RSS exactly? It stands for Really Simple Syndication, but we're not going to get into the technical jargon here. There's plenty of reading out there if you want to know more. Just know that RSS feeds allow you to view the content of many different websites on a single website--a feed reader. The feed reader we'll be using is Bloglines.
In this activity you’ll set up a Bloglines account ( and subscribe to the feeds of several websites.
This video provides step-by-step instructions for creating a Bloglines account:
Using Bloglines Tutorial (how to Keep up with dozens of blogs everyday) – This online tutorial walks you through how to setup a Bloglines account and add newsfeeds. Follow Steps 1 to 3 to set up your Bloglines account. Steps 4 – 9 are optional and cover how to subscribe to different types of feedsIt takes just minutes to get an account. Once you have set up the account, you can subscribe to feeds highlighted by Bloglines (under the Directory tab) or you can search for feeds directly (under the Search tab). Most likely you will want to add the URLs of feeds you discovered elsewhere (un

See the Resources at the end for more videos, reading, as well as some blogs and other feeds you might want to subscribe to with your new Bloglines account.
At a minimum, be sure to add the feed for the Blue 2.0 blog to your new Bloglines account:
1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Blue 2.0 blog.
2. Right click on "Subscribe to Posts--Atom" (RSS and Atom are different standards for feeds, but that's not really important here. If you're really interested, see the readings below) and choose "Copy Link Location."
3. Go back to Bloglines. Under the Feeds tab, click on Add.
4. Paste the link location into the "blog Feed or URL" field and click on subscribe.
So to recap, for this activity you will:
- Create a Bloglines account
- Add feeds to your Bloglines account, including the Blue 2.0 feed
- Write a brief post about the experience to your blog. What are some of your favorite RSS feeds?
- Post in the comments of this blog entry the URL of your blog post about Bloglines and RSS.
Estimated time to completion: 60 minutes+
Activity 2: Create a wiki
Why wikis? Wikis are great because they are web pages that can be edited quickly and easily by multiple people. Edits can be tracked so that you can easily go back to a previous version of the wiki if needed. To edit a wiki, you don’t need a lot of coding or technical know-how. Just type your text and go!
We all may be familiar with wikis simply because of Wikipedia. There are a number of uses for wikis. I’ve used them to organize places of interest for a trip, disc golf scores, and recipes. In addition to personal uses, wikis are a great tool for libraries. See the examples section below for a short sampling of wiki uses in libraries.
For this Blue 2.0 training program, we will be using a free wiki service, Why pbwiki? Because it's as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich!
In this activity, you’ll create a wiki following the instructions on the site. On your page, feel free to write a few sentences about yourself or your experience with the program. Experiment with the various types of text formatting. See the resources section for an overview of using pbwiki.
So to recap, for this activity you will:
- Look at some example wikis (Wikipedia, plus some other wikis mentioned in the resources at the end of this post)
- Create a wiki at
- On your blog, give your opinion of the wikis looked at in this activity. Do you see possible uses for wikis? Include a link to your wiki in your blog post.
- Post in the comments of this blog entry with the URL of your blog post about wikis.
Estimated time to completion: 60 minutes+
For more information, take a look at these resources:
CNET Video: RSS – Feel the Need for Feeds (3:32) – a good over view of what RSS is and the benefits to users
Feed Me: A gentle introduction to Internet feeds - a good tutorial from Palinet, a library cooperative
Adding RSS Feeds to Bloglines - A short YouTube video showing how to add feeds
Hot! Fresh! Delivered to You! - how to use RSS to keep up with multiple information sources, including useful section about using RSS with library electronic journals
PB Wiki Tour - find out how this collaborative tool can be used
PBWiki Video Gallery - short videos of PBwiki features
Wiki, wiki, wiki – general overview from the Core Competency blog of the Public Library of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County
Wikis: A Beginner’s Look – an excellent short slide presentation that offers a short introduction and examples
Using Wikis to Create Online Communities – a good overview of what a wiki is and how wikis can be used in libraries
Examples of RSS Feeds
RSS feeds are everywhere! Here are a few examples of sites with RSS feeds, including some blogs of libraries and librarians. Consider adding some of these to Bloglines, or find your own. The blogosphere is a big, exciting place!
Sample of Library Blogs
Ohio University Libraries Business Blog
Kansas State University Library Blogs
Virginia Commonwealth University Library Suggestion Blog
UThink Blogs at the University of Minnesota
Shaver Engineering Library Blog
Western Kentucky University Library Blog
Sample of Librarian Blogs
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian
Some Sites with RSS Feeds
University of Kentucky Libraries News
Unshelved (library comic)
Cute Overload (puppies, kittens, more!)
Examples of Using Wikis in Libraries
Wikis are used in myriad ways. Some libraries use them for knowledge bases or places to organize training or committee information. Librarians working on national committees or meetings may use them to organize information among participants around the world. Here are just a few examples:
LibSuccess – a library best practices wiki. Lots of good stuff here!
BizWiki – subject guide for business created by a librarian at
Library Instruction Wiki – compilation of resources related to library instruction
ALA 2006 New Orleans wiki – an example of a wiki created to support a specific event
The Albany County Public Library Staff wiki – an example of a wiki created for library staff to document procedures
SJCPL Subject Guides – an example of a public library using a wiki for a web subject guide
Librarian Sarah’s Wiki – Sarah uses a wiki to organize her presentations and links of interest
Blue 2.0 is about helping each other! IM a co-participant or post a question to the “Need Help?” blog post if you need (you guessed it) help. Stacey Greenwell is the primary contact for this topic, but please feel free to contact any workgroup member if you’re really stuck.
To stay on track and receive credit for participation, you'll need to complete your RSS and wiki activities by Sunday, February 10. Then we move on to tagging and online applications!
I set up my bloglines account and posted some of my favorite blogs, including the Blue 2.0 blog, of course! Here is my blog entry about the process:
My blog entry about the bloglines set-up is here and one about the wiki is here
Here is my wiki
Here is my blog about the wiki:
Blog posting regarding Bloglines, RSS, and Wiki is linked here:
I've posted about my Bloglines account. Already had it so didn't ahve to set it up new. here's my post about Bloglines:
Blue 2.0 RSS feeds
I established a wiki and blogged about it here:
Kerri's wiki work
The link to my wiki is in my blog post.
I love Bloglines and wish I had done this sooner!!! My blog post is at Bloglines Experience
I added Blue 2.0 and many others even after the above post, especially Michael Stephen's Taming the Web!!
Valerie, glad to hear the Bloglines setup went so well. I know I talk about Bloglines like it's chocolate or something. It really does save you a lot of time. I quit subscribing to newsletters for the most part and read much of that information in Bloglines now. Now if only Bloglines could help me find the time to read more of this stuff!
My Bloglines Blog:
My Wiki BlogL
My bloglines post:
My blog entrys on newsreaders and wikis are at
My blog entry about bloglines is here:
I've created my bloglines and written about the experience on my own blog. You can read about it here:
Once I have my wiki going, I'll post that info as well.
Here is my (mostly content-free) wiki:
Here is my blogpost on wikis:
Oops -- I wish I could edit my comments! The URL for my blog post on wikis is:
I had a thought today:
Would using wiki software be a way for faculty members to compile their dossiers? Thus making them electronic rather than all the paper we currently use? Parts of the dossier may not be able to be done that way, but what a way to cut down on the amount of paper currently in the dossier!
And: it's easier to get to. No more walking to Young Library and finding several people there all waiting to read the same file you just walked all the way over their to read. This si particularly a problem for those of us who don't have office's in the same building as where the dossiers are?
Just something to through our there and consider!
About my above post: I typed it really fast. Sorry for all the horrible typos!!
Time to go home!
I completed the Bloglines and RSS activity without too much difficulty. See my blog entry at
My wiki took much longer, only because I was having trouble formatting the images I wanted to use. Check out my wiki on map resources for doing site assessments at
Here is my blog entry about the activities:
So far, keeping up with the blog has kicked my bee-hind! Here's my blog about AIM & RSS - woohoo!
Click me, yo!
I'll explore wikis next week...
Kerri, that's an interesting idea. I know we'd dreamed of electronic dossiers back in our SNUFL days...if only we can get the university behind it!
Everyone, I'm really enjoying looking through all your posts. I hope you are having fun, too. If you want to check out everyone's blogs, see this post which lists all of them to date.
hi all,
I've created an OPML file which includes all of the library staff blogs. If you want to subscribe to all of them, you just need to import the OPML file into Bloglines. If you are interested in doing this, let me know.
Here is my post on using Bloglines
-Amanda Williams
My bloglines blog entry is here.
My bloglines post is
Well I was experimenting with the HTML and obviously, it didn't cooperate. I don't know why it put the blogger url in when this is what I pasted between my HTML tags:
Frustration aboundeth today. --T
Created a wiki. Here's my post about the process.
Here is my blog post about my wiki experiences:
wikis and me
I'm trying to include the direct link again. Fingers crossed...
Here is the link to my post about Bloglines and RSS.
...and here is a link to Pinkerton's Post containing a post about the pbwiki Pinkerton's Outpost utlizing a bamboo theme - fancy!
I just finished making a wiki and completing the bloglines page. I talked about the process on
My post about rss and wikis is at:
Learning to Ride RSS and Wikis
My wiki is:
The Hub @ WT's Wiki
Here is my feed reader commentary:
A wiki post should be following shortly.
Hmm, you might be able to see my feed reader post more easily if I make this a clickable link:
Let's see if that works.
Weeks 3&4 activities are finally done...see the weekly ranting about my process here:
Library Wisdom
My Bloglines account is all set up now, and here is the address of the URL for my blog comments about the process:
Oops! the link didn't post correctly. Here it is again:
Hopefully this works!
Sorry about that- one last try:
hi everyone, here's a tip from Bloglines about more things you can subscribe to--Facebook and Flickr feeds (we'll learn more about those in future weeks but some of you may want to jump in now!)
Hope you guys are paying attention to this RSS business, cause by the end of this 2.0 business everyone's gonna be subscribing to what I'm dishing out.
Blog post
A back-up for my brain
Here are the links to my blog entries about RSS feeds and Wikis
Those of us in Circ have been working on a combined wiki. Our wiki can be found at:
Want to see my blog entry on RSS feeds?
Go to:
Here are my comments after a couple of hours of RSS immersion. it's not foreign language immersion, Arabic, for instance, but's intense.
That last post was from me. I didn't really mean to be anonymous.
includes my first review of RSSing
I posted comments about my wiki setup this morning on my blog.
Here the wiki site:
Hi everybody,
I updated my wellness wiki
to add the latest wellness events.
Here is my Wiki:
And here is my blog on the process:
Wiki blog
-Amanda Williams
both my rss and wiki blogs are located at
Here is my blog entry about Bloglines & RSS:
Here's my blog entry about bloglines:
Here's my wiki - since I've written that post, I've become better acquainted w/the wiki and quite like the whole idea:
Wiki Wonder
My blog post about wiki can be viewed at the following location, dig?:
I meant to get back to the wiki sooner, but got unexpectedly busy.
This is my blog post about my wiki:
. . . and this is the wiki itself:
I tried yesterday afternoon to create a wiki. I've still not received my email verification. I called the support phone number (where automated bot voice told where to send email), I checked my junk mail, and I also tried to create a wiki again. PBwiki's response to that last attempt at taking the initiative was basically, "hold your horses," well, not really, but it did say, 24 hrs later, that the "account is pending verification." Do I get credit for trying so that I'm eligible for fabulous prizes? Is everyone rushing to do this at once and pbwiki's pipelines are clogged? Also, does it make sense that you cannot have spaces between the words in your wiki's name when you sign up? Or, did I dream that?
I did get a nice Bloglines page set up. It's great.
Hi. my wiki is
I have comments about the rest of the lessons on my blog.
I have a bloglines account with more than 80 blogs. I am still trying to figure out the best way to keep notes from all these blogs. I have tried Clipmarks, Google clips, Jott, cut and paste to word.... its totally fragmented. I even keep notes in special wikis.
A colleague and I have created a large wiki:
Your week 3 & 4 lessons are very informative. I will try to check out most of those links... it will take me some time.
Kathy Johnson
I have a bloglines account with more than 80 blogs. I am still trying to figure out the best way to keep notes from all these blogs. I have tried Clipmarks, Google clips, Jott, cut and paste to word.... its totally fragmented. I even keep notes in special wikis.
A colleague and I have created a large wiki:
Your week 3 & 4 lessons are very informative. I will try to check out most of those links... it will take me some time.
Kathy Johnson
Hi Becky, several of us had problems with pbwiki registration. Never fear, you are in the drawing! Thanks for reporting and hopefully things will be resolved with pbwiki soon.
I've read a number of comments about the wiki assignment not having much relevance or about dislike of the pbwiki or Bloglines software.
There are many wiki software packages to choose from--we went with pbwiki since it was easier to use, especially when just a few people are managing such a large staff training program. Same with Bloglines. I've used Google Reader, Outlook, and other tools, but for the purpose of this program, Bloglines was best. I encourage you to look beyond the applications we used in Blue 2.0 and feel free to try others.
And it's true--without a specific project in mind, there won't be much of a point to your wiki. But the point of the activity was to become familiar with wikis, for that point when you might have a real project where you'd actually need to create a wiki.
New topic starts tomorrow. Happy Blue 2.0ing!
Comments from my blog about setting up my Bloglines account are at the following URL
My longtime favorite blog is Tame the Web.
I'm having a lot of difficulty creating a pbwiki account -- my email will not accept the confirmation from pbwiki for some reason. If it ever happens, I'll post it here.
Laura Davison
Here is a link to my blog post about Wikis.
Down to the wire, I tell ya.
My comments on wikis are at
I think the hardest part about making a wiki in this situation was thinking of a reason FOR the wiki!
Well, I FINALLY got my wiki started. On Friday I had trouble with the sign-up page not wanting to load, and that continued throughout attempts on Saturday and Sunday. Then when I could get into the sign-up, the confirmation e-mail would not go through to my e-mail address.????
However, I finally got it all started this morning after my work computer upgrade finished. Whew! Here's the addy:
Yipee I was finally able to create a pbwiki! The problem was both my email accounts wouldn't allow me to receive the confirmation message that you have to have to complete the wiki set up. I finally created a gmail email account and it worked great. My wiki address is
And, my blog entry about it is
Laura Davison
I did my RSS'n n Wiki'n! Sorry for being a little behind.. but I've been of the busy variety!!
~Jeff Miller
Wiki'd and RSS'd!!
I have finished my RSS assignment and will start working on my Wiki soon. Glad I am not the only one behind. You can find my RSS blog post here:
Well, I have decided to do my wiki assignment by contributing to the ciruclation department based wiki so it will be an ongoing process. I have done similar things like this in the past for class projects, so this is one I am actually familiar with.
The link to this wiki is
I finally got my wiki done! I did it for the ILL procedures we use here at the MCL 2nd shift. My wiki's address is:
I also did a wiki for a class I took last semester about teaching info literacy and working with non-native speakers, specifically international students, so if you're interested, that wiki is at :
My blog entry for the wiki part of the assignment can be found at:
(I'm way behind but I'm not giving up yet...) Here's my comment about Bloglines and RSS:
I finally created my wiki and it was fun. (I wish I'd done it sooner as this was a wonderful change from my usual work.) Here's my blog post about wikis:
Okay, I gave up the first two times I tried but it finally worked the third time. I think I would like this if I can find the time to learn more about it.
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